Tag Archives: Wayne Dyer

Excuses Begone: Encouragement for Leaders

This is a photograph I personally took when Wa...

Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of "Excuses Begone" and other motivational books

How many excuses do we use on a daily basis without thinking about them? 

How do these excuses limit our (personal and) professional growth and that of our organizations?

As I was getting in a few minutes of exercise on the elliptical machine on a a recent  Saturday morning**, the tv in the gym happened to be tuned to a PBS pledge drive special featuring motivational speaker / self-help guru, Dr. Wayne Dyer.  Being an admirer of Dr. Dyer’s “positive thinking” philosophy, I quickly became engrossed in the program — a lecture where he was expounding on his latest work, “Excuses Begone!”

** Confession: I was trying to work off a little of the weight I was sure to be putting on the following day during a Super Bowl eating fest!

A centerpiece of the talk was Dr. Dyer’s list of 18 common excuses that people use to rationalize not taking action or striving to improve their lives.  As with most people listening to his talk, Continue reading